Gaylords Say 'No'

...more commonly mean 'Yes'

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


For some reason, YouTube won't let me post my video to this blog, but you should all vote for my alter ego Sven on the following link!!

Thank you!

(yes I know that's not YouTube on the link)

Who Knew, New Who?

I watched the new Dr Who for the first time ever this Saturday. It's actually very good isn't it, I never knew life could be so fabulous. Okay I'm over-egging a little, but at least I see now what people are going on about. (which people?) Don't question me. Ends.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Euro Star

I've tried, I promise to post on here more frequently, but since I know longer work in an office where I can slack off any more you'll note my posts have become far to er... far apart. Anyway I have been putting my spare time to good use creating this little monster, well actually it was for my Eurovision party last weekend, but please vote for it on the fame game and let me know what you think!

The guy featured is my alter ego Sven, who hosted the party the year before! He's bit of a show off but he's got great buns! Check them out.

I tried to embed it, but apparently, I can only bed men with any degree of success, oh no wait, I can't do that either (the park at a push).