Gaylords Say 'No'

...more commonly mean 'Yes'

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Is The New Friday

I've never quite understood people saying Thursday is the new Friday, or White is the new Black. Surely not, this would throw a world of order into disarray, well mine at least. I'd have to use Times New Roman instead of Trebuchet - font of choice thank you very much. I'd think I was making a cup of tea only to find it was actually coffee. I'd have white hair, it's all too awful to contemplate.

Mind you guys and gals this would make an interesting point of discussion don't you think? A bit like a game of 'what if' meets 'consequences'. Discuss.

There's not really much of a point to this entry to be honest, it just struck me on the way to work this morning as I contemplated my few beers out last night. Oh and I also wanted to welcome Joe90 and Cornish Rambler into my links list, notable blogs I'm sure you'll agree. Well Cornish Rambler at least. I mean anyone who chooses to call themselves 'The Vessel', arrogance.


At 10:52 am , Blogger searleyeditor said...

Oh so even Joe90 is the new Vessel. Pathetic.

At 1:09 pm , Blogger smahman said...

Did you tee up this entire post so you could do that joke?

At 11:10 am , Blogger Izzy said...

now linked back atcha, sweetcheeks...


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