Gaylords Say 'No'

...more commonly mean 'Yes'

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Upbeat News Day

I'm not one to comment on the news really, I don't watch enough for starters to have an informed opinion and if I do say something I wonder if I've fully understood it anyway. Which is kind of worrying when you consider I edit a news/current affairs TV magazine show.

However this morning in the edit suite the telly was on feeding CNN out to no one but myself. I noticed as I left they were telling a story of how a teenage girl in America was videoed on a mobile phone being beaten up by other pupils at her school. The video had been posted on the Internet and CNN were commenting on how awful this was - in my opinion I agree it is horrific.

SO why then I thought are you guys looping this video full screen whilst telling us all this? Not only has this now being broadcast worldwide on the Internet but now thanks to CNN also on TV as well. I know they are probably trying to highlight how serious this all is, but to keep showing the video?

Like I say I don't like to comment normally but this particularly bugged me. Other news stories that are annoying me is the Celebrity Big Brother racism scandal, I think they should pull the show it's dire and desperate. Also the lead dancer at the National Ballet speaking out about her support for BNP. I sound like an old fishwife saying "I won't say anything.... but", I promise i'll make the next entry more upbeat!


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