I think 'The Worlds Local Bank' probably has it's headquarters in Royston Vasey.
I was in a queue at the bank yesterday when quite a scary lady approached me:"Can I help you at all?"
I was slightly taken aback, firstly at being approached by a woman and secondly... well being approached full stop.
"Er yes, can I use the ATM's to make a transfer between my accounts?"
"Certainly sir, follow me, let's see what we can do"
'Is that some kind of challenge?' I'm thinking,
this lady was clearly in full auto mode and running what ever customer service training efficiency program had been etched into her brain to the word. All smiles, jokes, 'just don't' I thought.
"I just need to stand over your shoulder while we do this okay otherwise I can't see the screen, ooh easy don't let me see your pin"
I couldn't quite believe how falsely happy and smiley she was as she talked me through the whole procedure. I tried making a few comments that I thought might evoke a more natural, conversational response, but no.
It was only afterwards as I thought about our little interaction that maybe she didn't work for the bank at all. No she did, I clocked her badge 'Sandra, happy to help' I think ASDA have those badges too... wait a moment. No seriously, I thought 'hang on' she was only trying to be happy and helpful - a rarity in this country. Maybe we Brits have got so used to poor service and unfriendliness that this is what we have come to expect.
It's like when you learn about change management, initially there is hostility to anything different from the status quo. This could be the start of a new age of customer service. But then again in the latter stages of change management comes acceptance and I sure as hell don't want someone like her as the norm.